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ISO45001: 2018 Safety Management System

ISO9001: 2015 Quality Management System


Over the course of time, GALLENO PLASTICA SRL has been committed and attentive to the issue of workers' health and safety, promoting improvement beyond legal obligations. The aim is preventing the occurrence of potentially harmful situations for workers, also with a view to reducing the resulting economic costs. With this in mind, the company has decided to implement a system that complies with the principles of UNI ISO 45001:2018, previously OHSAS 18001:2007, in order to monitor and keep the system constantly updated regarding workers, legislation and regulations in force.


▪ the context in which the company operates to provide the service of "production by vacuum thermoforming, cutting and assembly of plastic parts";

▪ of its constant attention to the interested parties: workers and their representatives, suppliers, social partners, supervisory bodies, customers/clients;

▪ the system risks and opportunities that the company constantly faces, in view of competitors, technology know-how, development of new job opportunities, laws and other requirements and worker awareness

the management brings to the attention of workers and all interested parties this POLICY to share in order to achieve the following GOALS:

▪ to guarantee the continuous improvement of the occupational health and safety management system, ensuring compliance with requirements dictated by safety legislation;

▪ to ensure the involvement of all personnel, also through their representatives, to maximise their understanding of work-related risks;

▪ to identify, if necessary, corporate communication methods to improve workers' health protection.

In order to achieve these objectives, management has defined REFERENCE PRINCIPLES for its POLICY FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK


▪ Responsible management of the site while carrying out their tasks in full protection of workers’ health and safety;

▪ Planning of investments necessary for the proper operation of plant, machinery, and equipment of all kinds;

▪ Providing workers with all necessary protective equipment;

▪ Planning of actions necessary for the maintenance of health and safety at work;


▪ Compliance with current laws and regulations (Legislative Decree 81/2008 and INAIL guidelines);

▪ Updating and checking assessment of health and safety risks in the company as well as prevention and protection measures adopted from time to time in order to eliminate risks;

▪ Provision of training necessary to comply with legal obligations and detailed information of the company’s problems.


▪ Systematic assessment of site safety through the implementation of a monitoring system, starting continuous improvement for health and safety at work;

▪ Thorough evaluation of the occupational safety management system to ensure continuous improvement and to prevent the occurrence of harm to workers;

▪ Constant evaluation of business processes to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the management system;

▪ Maintenance of the occupational safety management system documentation to provide evidence of actions implemented, measurements made and improvement processes pursued;

▪ Periodic review of this policy to ensure that it meets the requirements of the occupational safety management system and is appropriate to the company.


▪ Informing and training all workers on as well as maintaining their awareness of the management system for their health and safety;

▪ Fostering within the company a constant and careful commitment aimed at improving the awareness of everyone’s role;

▪ Communicating with customers, suppliers and contractors in order to improve site safety.

▪ Disseminating this policy to workers and all stakeholders.

Montopoli in Val D’Arno, 28/10/2020

The employer

Sig.ra Franca Morelli
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La Direzione, dopo aver effettuato le Analisi: del contesto, dei rischi e delle opportunità, delle esigenze dei clienti, delle strategie dell’organizzazione, delle aspettative delle parti interessate, ha definito i seguenti obiettivi, da raggiungere e mantenere, con la collaborazione di tutto il personale.

1) implementare il proprio Sistema Qualità in conformità alle norme UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

2) attuare un programma di miglioramento continuo del SGQ

3) applicare la metodologia di gestione del rischio in ottica Risk-based thinking

4) formare tutto il personale ad operare in qualità, con ruolo attivo e propositivo

5) aumentare la qualità del prodotto realizzato, diminuendo scarti interni e reclami

6) tenere sotto controllo e migliorare la qualità dei processi

7) diminuire i costi della non qualità

8) aumento della produttività e dell’efficienza dei reparti produttivi

9) aumentare la focalizzazione sul Cliente, al fine di aumentarne la soddisfazione

10) garantire il rispetto dei requisiti cogenti applicabili al prodotto.

11) migliorare la gestione della sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro

12) aumentare il valore aziendale valorizzando e potenziando le competenze interne in R&S

Il raggiungimento di tali obiettivi sarà monitorato rispettivamente tramite

1) audit sul sistema qualità

2) esame dell’andamento dei piani di miglioramento

3) effettuare analisi su rischi ed opportunità da usare come base per le scelte strategiche ed operative (FMEA)

4) pianificare ed attuare un piano di formazione e motivazione del personale interno ( ILUO, Premio di Risultato)

5) analisi dei rapporti di non conformità interni e reclami, con studio 5) analisi dei rapporti di non conformità interni e reclami, con studio

6) ottimizzazione della tempestività del monitoraggio degli indici di processo ( progetto Industria 4.0)

7) utilizzo di indici di monitoraggio per analisi dell’andamento dei costi della non Qualità

8) ottimizzazione del monitoraggio degli indici di processo

9) analisi della soddisfazione del cliente e ottimizzazione delle relazioni

10) monitoraggio continuo delle normative cogenti di prodotto

11) mantenimento del S. G. OH SAS 18001/ ISO 45001

12) creazione di un “TEAM innovazione R&S” per lo sviluppo di nuove linee di business con conseguente riposizionamento marketing della proposta aziendale (Value Proposition)

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